A Madison, Wisconsin bar that features men in their underwear and male strippers on poles on their
website recently hosted a drag queen night showcasing a teenager in provocative clothing doing
sexually suggestive dancing.
The teen who appears to go by the stage name “Nemo”, performed for money at the bar/club while
adults cheered on a dance that included doing the splits and soliciting audience members for cash tips.
The sold-out show was advertised by “Five Nightclub” with first-come, first-serve seating. It appeared to be a celebration of the teen’s birthday.

The bar also appears to routinely advertise pride-related and drag queen promotions, which make up the vast majority of graphics on their social media profiles and website.
Any suggestion that the venue is age appropriate seems to be unfounded, as the bar routinely promotes
shirtless employees as well.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the homepage lists the location as a “mask friendly space”.
Last I knew, the laws on the books regarding Lewd and Lascivious, Public Exposure, Sexual Assault, and Child Endangerment were still active and had not been repealed. Perhaps it's time to start enforcing the law again?
I can honestly say this, Our country may be going to hell in the hand basket, but it's no one's place to start digging into other peoples privacy. Their kids are theirs. Yeah, spout all your concerns and dissatisfaction, but ultimately it's none of your business. Logically, if you don't want someone to intrude in your families "beliefs", then you shouldn't either. Do unto others. Get your arrogant ego to stay out of it.Yep, disgusting, by certain ethical standards, but you can't spout "Freedom" if you feel entitled to judge and try to shut down others freedoms. That's what everyone with Moral posturing doesn't get... If it isn't directly involving you or your children, then just let it be.
It's all a concerted effort to glorify both the perversion of Natural Law and the corruption of innocence. The entire "trans" debacle is an affront to common sense. It's just another one of many cultural fads that exemplify the degradation of modern society.
We're all stuck in Sydney's "Hell Gondola", and it ain't getting any better... not until we actually do something about it.
Anybody else sick and tired of hearing about drag queens? If the kids want to ruin their reputation for the rest of their lives by being drag queens as young, dumb teenagers, it's very sad, but it's time we stopped trying to save everyone. Some kids are going to do drugs, some kids are going to be underaged drag queens, and while it's sick, it's not going to stop only because folks on the internet are talking about it. That being said, thank you Sydney for a well-written post, as usual.